SDN’s first conference, titled ‘Bridging the Gap,’ was held in Friendship Hall Khartoum, Sudan, from 21-22 December 2019. The two-day conference focused on the central theme of ‘Bridging the Gap,’ aiming to provide a space to explore how entities in Sudan and the diaspora can work together on developmental initiatives for the betterment of our people.

The conference also highlighted key pilot projects the SDN teams have been working to develop with collaborative partners and was sponsored by USAID.

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The conference featured transformative leaders; scholars, thinkers, topic experts and innovators, all of whom presented ideas and discussed solutions on urgent challenges/opportunities facing the new Sudan.  

The conference succeeded in providing a space for unity, mobilization and empowerment - the three key pillars of SDN’s mission. It provided a platform that connected the diaspora with their counterparts in Sudan, the elder generation with the leaders of the future, the youth, and scholar experts with students, and youth led initiatives.  

Participated organizations include: